Not many days start with an animal rescue mission, but that’s exactly what happened at Cold Lake Bus Lines the morning of February 2nd, 2024! Two school bus drivers pounced into action when they noticed a cat had set up shop inside the engine of a school bus parked outside the yard.
They immediately notified the Operations Manager of the timid feline trapped in a wheelie tight spot! Mechanic Andre Beuchamp heroically stepped up to retrieve the scared kitty. After scrambling under the bus to rescue the furry creature, Andre successfully emerged from the depths with the scaredy-cat in hand!

Cold Lake Bus Lines’ newest feline friend was bestowed the name ‘Fanbelt’ by the drivers and the office staff, but he couldn’t stay long. Instead, he was whiskered away by the Cold Lake Community Peace Officers, who promised to take him on a fur-tastic journey to the Lakeland SPCA.

Thank you to everyone who helped in this morning’s purr-fectly executed rescue mission! It was a fur-midable task, but the Cold Lake crew was ready to save the day and ensure the wayward cat was safe and sound.